Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Low - The Great Destroyer

The Great Destroyer
Sub Pop

Es increible que Low, viniendo de tocar canciones tranquilas, calladas y un poco tristes como “Sunflower” o “In Metal” llegaran a rawkear en este album, digo rockean aun mas fuerte que Yo La Tengo!!! Y aun así pueden sacar momentos dulces; lo que resalta, a fin de cuentas, es la calidad de las canciones, sin importar si son calladas o fuertes. Este disco manda!!


It’s incredible that Low came from playing gentle, quiet and sort of sad songs like “Sunflower” or “In Metal” to rawking in this album, i mean they rock even harder than Yo La Tengo!!! Yet they still pull some sweet moments here; what stands out, however, is the quality of the songs, regardless of if they’re quiet or loud. This record rules.


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